How to create outlines in Illustrator
There’s a nifty little command hiding in the middle of the type menu in Illustrator. It’s a serious goldmine of usefulness, you guys! It’s been part of Illustrator as far back as I can remember and I’ve been using Illustrator for 28 years (yikes, yes, I am an...
How to identify fonts
Three web apps and a phone app to help you identify fonts you see out and about Do you ever walk around town and play name that typeface? Oh, maybe that’s just me. I love to look at signs, brochures, direct mail, TV ads and see if if I can identify the typefaces being...
Branding case study: Big Tex and the State Fair of Texas
Howdy folks! This is Big Tex. Welcome to the State Fair of Texas! … Ah the familiar words of the iconic statue at the State Fair of Texas. Today we’re taking a look at a very successful brand and learning what we can from its brilliance! We all want a strong logo and...
5 reasons to not do a Canva logo design
Have you seen any good horror movies lately? I recently saw an instructional video by someone demonstrating how to design a logo in Canva. Holy cats, you guys — it was scary! But I kept watching making a mental list of why this is not at all what one should do if they...