Where to find me and my work:

www.sherihall.com – How tos & pro tips for graphic design & photography. You are here!

www.soleildesign.com – Website with my portfolio and graphic design services


Social Media:

instagram.com/sherihall/ – The most comprehensive collection of frozen margarita photos you’ll find anywhere online 😉 plus some costumes and travels

facebook.com/sherihall – My personal, followable page full of costume adventures and other whimsy

facebook.com/sherihalldiydesign – My design page geared toward helping content creators, VAs and DIY solopreneurs create their own logos, graphics and branding — professionally and painlessly — with templates, courses and design tips

pinterest.com/sherihallcreative – Graphic design tips and tricks for new and non designers

tiktok.com/@sherihallcreative – Costume adventures and graphic design


How can I help?

5 + 13 =

Sheri Hall | sherihall.com | sheri at sherihall dot com
If you’d like to send me a Christmas card, send it to me at 6603 Harvest Glen Dr. in Dallas, Texas (TX) 75258